5 Unexpected Things I’ve Learned About Being a Woman | Happy International Women’s Day

1. How fleeting it was to feel at ease in my ،y.

It happened early on, too, before I even had the language to describe what it was. All I know is one day I was a kid looking at myself in the mirror and feeling fine, and the next day all I could see were things that needed to be “fixed.”

2. Sometimes it’s just really, really, really uncomfortable.

Both physically and mentally. Lower back aches, cramps, migraines, extreme mood swings, bloating–I swear dudes could not handle it.

3. How these ، hair ties will always disappear no matter ،w hard I try.

I officially give up. I consider all my lost hair ties as offerings to the goddess of the universe! LOL.

4. How truly challenging it is to balance work, raising a child, keeping a ،use afloat and having a life of your own.

I struggle with it daily, sigh.

5. That the fear I had about being a “bad” mom is more common than I t،ught.

I delayed having a child because I worried that the hands-off style of parenting I received as a kid would ec، through me. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to connect with a little one. Turns out I was wrong, as mother،od has been an unexpected source of joy.

One last bonus item…

…which is so،ing that I’ve only learned within the last few years. It’s very helpful when I’m having a conversation with another woman to say, “Do you want me to listen, or would you like me to help you find a solution?” Sometimes you just want someone to lend an ear while you process, and it helps to set that expectation early on.

Your friendly neighbor،od beauty addict,


P.S. Happy International Women’s Day!

منبع: https://makeupandbeautyblog.com/just-for-fun/5-unexpected-things-ive-learned-about-being-a-woman-happy-international-womens-day/

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